
Monday, October 5, 2009

Walk now for Autism 2009

God has been amazing! I had no idea when He gave me this scripture several months ago "Speak up for those who cannot Speak for themselves" Proverbs 31:8, that He has so much in store! Creating team Rock Autism has been such a blessing to me..God gave me an awesome team and we have had a blast going into our community, raising awareness, raising money and BEST of all bringing Hope of a God who has a plan for all the children with Autism and their families! Thank you Jesus for my the support of my husband and children, my amazing teammates, the community businesses who opened their hearts and held fundraisers, to those of you family, friends and neighbors who supported us! Rock Autism raised a little over $2600.00
I love you Guys...the journey is not over but has just BEGAN!!! Enjoy the photos from the walk!