
Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

Fourth of July was lots of fun...
John and I took the kids to College Creek for a few hours in the late morning/early afternoon. The weather was hot but it was so nice to sit in the sun and relax! The creek is only about 10 minute maybe 15 minutes from our nice is that!!!
John and the boys had so much fun catching crabs. At first I was like this is way freaky let's get out of here! But it ended up being a really cool experience. We saw crabs, and this thing that looked like jumping shrimp or something and we even saw a fish. The current is very evident so we really couldn't go out and swim but you could get in far enough to cool off and have fun!!
I just know the kids will talk about this for a very long time!
After the creek we came home and rested a bit and then we had the Hallman's and the Bilderback family over for an "All American Bar-B-Que" We grilled up some ribs and hot dog and hamburgers and had some home made salsa and rice (I suppose we'll always be Mexican huh?) pasta salad, corn on the cob, watermelon and cantaloupe. YUMMY :) We had lots of fun hanging out and we played 20 questions, and checkers and had some fun with silly string!
About 7 p.m. we loaded up and headed out to Colonial Williamsburg to see the Fife and Drummers and to watch the firework show...It is so amazing how people are DIE HARD Patriotic here... hundreds of us stood out int he pouring rain for 2 hours to experience the festivities of 4th of July! The Fife and drummers played a bit despite the thunder and rain, only no costumes as they would ruin. Then they put on the best Firework show I have ever seen...We were way too close and it was loud, but it was lots of fun...We got home and we were pooped and soaking wet! But I suppose it will be a memory like the 4th we had 2 years ago at John's parents house where all my family and his join together swam, ate lots and had the funniest firework show story I think ever...sometimes you just don't deal with the crowds and you pull over on the side of the road and enjoy them..that was funny! We pray and hope you all had a fun 4th as well!



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